[box=#ffffcc] 【歌 曲】:To be by your side 【艺术家】:Nick Cave NICK CAVE&THE BAD SEEDS虽是居住于澳大 利亚,但从未因此沾染上丝毫澳洲清新吉它派乐队的蛛丝马迹。相反,在NICK CAVE的思想或是音乐世界 中却是带着深沉的德国文化血统,而其乐队“THE BAD SEEDS”成员BLIXA BARGELD就是德国八十年代享负盛名的工业噪音头子EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN 的灵魂人物。NICK CAVE的庞大家族中除了BLIXA BARGELD以外,MICK HARVEY、 BARRY ADAMSON、THO MAS WYDLER更是欧洲地下音乐圈中卓尔不群的颓废音乐才子。可以说,极少机会可在同一对乐队中蕴藏着如此多位才华横溢的一世之雄。NICKCAVE的音乐可谓是多种音乐元素调和之后生产出来的怪胎,包含 有:BLUES/JAZZ/ROCK/GOTHIC/DARKFOLK/OPERA/INDUS TURE...而且散发着一 种无以名状的另界魔性和孤傲的诗人情怀。NICK CAVE素有“黑暗王子”/“哥特之王”/“痛苦批发商”的称号,如此可对他的音乐个性窥见一班,听NICK的唱片,所得的就好比是沉溺于痛苦与惶恐的煎熬之中,不安及黯然的气氛象 是匕首一般搅动心灵深处的伤口,一种刻骨铭心的伤痛,令你堕于NICK CAVE 的世界里不能自拔而且越陷越深。NICK CAVE在每一张唱片里既有兽性的一面,又有人性的一面;既有刚的一面,又有柔的一面;既有冷的一面,又有热的一面......他的思想,他的素养,他的样貌,他的眼神,他灵魂深处的一切一切,都浑然天成般溶化在他每一颗音符之中,且透过你的皮肉深入你的骨髓,令你于磨难历程之中成熟。当你一 口气听上好几张NICK的唱片时,所得到就好比是沉溺在痛苦与恐慌之煎熬中的经验,不安的气氛没有一刻不存在。或者NICK根本就不单是扮演着一位音乐家那么简单,他的外形,他的演绎方式,他笔下的世界,都没有人可比他配合得更完整。在音乐之外,你会发觉NICK在其一系列的唱片封面上,都流露出一副孤傲的神情。即使你从未接触过他的作品,也可以从其黑暗不安感而估计到这是不会令人听得愉快的唱片。所寻求到只有是苦痛、迷失、焦虑、恐惧与死亡下的快感。也许,你会认为 NICK是魔鬼的儿子! 【试听】: [wmv=360,300,1]http://www.musicdoer.com/zlradio/vol19/01tobebyyourside.mp3[/wmv] 【歌词】: Across the oceans, across the seas. Over forests of blackened trees. Through valleys so still we dare not breathe. To be by your side. Over the shifting desert plains. Across mountains all in flames. Through howling winds and fringing rains. To be by your side. Every mile and every year. For everyone a little tear. I can not explain this, dear. I will not even try. Into the night as the stars collide. Across the border that divide. Forest of stone standing petrified. To be by your side. Every mile and every year. For everyone a single tear. I can not explain this, dear. I will not even try. For I know one thing. Love comes on a wing. For tonight I will by your side. But tomorrow I will fly. From the deepest oceans to the highest peak. Through the frontiers of your sleep. Into the valley where we dare not speak. To be by your side.. Across the endless wilderness Where all the beasts bow down their heads. Darling , I will never rest till I am by your side. Every mile and every year. Time and distance disappear. I can not explain this , dear. No , I will not even try. And I know just one thing. Love comes on a wing. And tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly away. Love rises with the day. And tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly. Tomorrow I will fly. 【下载地址】:下载 【解压密码】:www.needpop.com
[box=#ffffcc] 【歌 曲】:To be by your side 【艺术家】:Nick Cave
NICK CAVE&THE BAD SEEDS虽是居住于澳大 利亚,但从未因此沾染上丝毫澳洲清新吉它派乐队的蛛丝马迹。相反,在NICK CAVE的思想或是音乐世界 中却是带着深沉的德国文化血统,而其乐队“THE BAD SEEDS”成员BLIXA BARGELD就是德国八十年代享负盛名的工业噪音头子EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN 的灵魂人物。NICK CAVE的庞大家族中除了BLIXA BARGELD以外,MICK HARVEY、 BARRY ADAMSON、THO MAS WYDLER更是欧洲地下音乐圈中卓尔不群的颓废音乐才子。可以说,极少机会可在同一对乐队中蕴藏着如此多位才华横溢的一世之雄。NICKCAVE的音乐可谓是多种音乐元素调和之后生产出来的怪胎,包含 有:BLUES/JAZZ/ROCK/GOTHIC/DARKFOLK/OPERA/INDUS TURE...而且散发着一 种无以名状的另界魔性和孤傲的诗人情怀。NICK CAVE素有“黑暗王子”/“哥特之王”/“痛苦批发商”的称号,如此可对他的音乐个性窥见一班,听NICK的唱片,所得的就好比是沉溺于痛苦与惶恐的煎熬之中,不安及黯然的气氛象 是匕首一般搅动心灵深处的伤口,一种刻骨铭心的伤痛,令你堕于NICK CAVE 的世界里不能自拔而且越陷越深。NICK CAVE在每一张唱片里既有兽性的一面,又有人性的一面;既有刚的一面,又有柔的一面;既有冷的一面,又有热的一面......他的思想,他的素养,他的样貌,他的眼神,他灵魂深处的一切一切,都浑然天成般溶化在他每一颗音符之中,且透过你的皮肉深入你的骨髓,令你于磨难历程之中成熟。当你一 口气听上好几张NICK的唱片时,所得到就好比是沉溺在痛苦与恐慌之煎熬中的经验,不安的气氛没有一刻不存在。或者NICK根本就不单是扮演着一位音乐家那么简单,他的外形,他的演绎方式,他笔下的世界,都没有人可比他配合得更完整。在音乐之外,你会发觉NICK在其一系列的唱片封面上,都流露出一副孤傲的神情。即使你从未接触过他的作品,也可以从其黑暗不安感而估计到这是不会令人听得愉快的唱片。所寻求到只有是苦痛、迷失、焦虑、恐惧与死亡下的快感。也许,你会认为 NICK是魔鬼的儿子!
【试听】: [wmv=360,300,1]http://www.musicdoer.com/zlradio/vol19/01tobebyyourside.mp3[/wmv]
【歌词】: Across the oceans, across the seas. Over forests of blackened trees. Through valleys so still we dare not breathe. To be by your side. Over the shifting desert plains. Across mountains all in flames. Through howling winds and fringing rains. To be by your side. Every mile and every year. For everyone a little tear. I can not explain this, dear. I will not even try. Into the night as the stars collide. Across the border that divide. Forest of stone standing petrified. To be by your side. Every mile and every year. For everyone a single tear. I can not explain this, dear. I will not even try. For I know one thing. Love comes on a wing. For tonight I will by your side. But tomorrow I will fly. From the deepest oceans to the highest peak. Through the frontiers of your sleep. Into the valley where we dare not speak. To be by your side.. Across the endless wilderness Where all the beasts bow down their heads. Darling , I will never rest till I am by your side. Every mile and every year. Time and distance disappear. I can not explain this , dear. No , I will not even try. And I know just one thing. Love comes on a wing. And tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly away. Love rises with the day. And tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly. Tomorrow I will fly.