标题: [待确认] HSS已经被封了 还有什么办法能上mediafire的?
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HSS已经被封了 还有什么办法能上mediafire的?

HSS已经被封了 还有什么办法能上mediafire的?



It’s finally that time, folks. The Scarlet Ending, a much-talked about act here on Knox Road, fronted by everyone’s favorite twin sisters, Kaleena and Kayleigh Goldsworthy, released their sophomore full-length, Ghosts, a couple weeks ago. Ever since my first encounter with the sisters, they have been incredibly warm and outgoing, leading to a friendship beyond the music blog itself. I hoped that wouldn’t stop me from being objective about their music…until, well, I saw them live in concert. They were truly one of the best bands I have ever seen live (promise!), bringing energy, intensity, and charisma, all of which is oftentimes sorely lacking among more well known artists. Through their excitement the sound shined and I became forever invested in their future.

Well, that future has come to its next stage with Ghosts, an album that certainly brings an organic sound, meshing cello, violin, guitar, drums, piano — the whole shebang. The music is purposely disjointed on several songs, most notably on one of my favorites, “End In Disguise”, which acutely mixes guitar and violin for a unique sound along with pounding piano, all underneath Kaleena’s full voice. Kayleigh joins in on harmonies (as does Jon, at times) as the sisters expertly play off each other. The song is indeed poppy, don’t get me wrong, but underneath it all is a darkness and angst present throughout the album. The song is a good indicator for the feel of the album as a whole: sometimes poppy, other times angsty, and all times aggressive.

Which leads to a minor gripe: while I’m a fan of mixing up genres, styles and the like, the band can’t seem to decide how to fully root themselves on Ghosts, especially with its amalgam of sounds. Do they want to be that devilishly dark gang, slightly lending themselves to the punk side on songs like “My Decay”? If so, I’m not sure why such poppy, radio friendly songs like “Save Me” are present. Granted, I quite enjoy “Save Me”, I just wish there was a bit more direction on the album as a whole that struck a better balance between the two extremes.

Honestly, though, the ability to play to different styles demonstrates The Scarlet Ending’s supreme talent, and I applaud them for an effort that most bands aren’t willing to make. They’re not afraid to let their emotions show, and their youthful exuberance more than makes up for any of Ghosts‘ shortcomings. From the very start, it’s a record in which we can fully immerse ourselves. I don’t know about you, but that’s usually what I look for when I listen to music (besides, of course, quality). What I’m trying to say is, The Scarlet Ending delivers the goods on Ghosts. It’s an impressive, penetrating work of art.

1. Intro*/Epiphany Part 1 1:07
2. Phoenix 3:43
3. Cities By The Ocean 4:35
4. End In Disguise 4:16
5. My Decay 4:45
6. Reminder 3:05
7. Disease On Parade 3:00
8. How Things End 3:02
9. Downfall 3:29
10. Save Me 3:54
11. The Gold 3:31
12. Exactly What You Want 3:30
13. Sinner 4:06


就这个最杯具。。。。。上不去啊  最近发现HSS已经彻底被和谐了 用代理就算了 根本就没反应。。。有没有国外的拖下来这张专辑换个别的网盘呀?谢谢了 哈哈  我挺喜欢Exactly What You Want 这首歌的哈哈

[ 本帖最后由 c1798 于 2010-5-5 22:26 编辑 ]

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原帖由 rockhanson 于 2010-5-4 23:32 发表

http://www.rayfile.com/files/c58 ... -9b23-0015c55db73d/

Rank: 4

UID 114677
精华 0
积分 2859
帖子 109
音乐魅力 1968 点
现金 782 音乐币
阅读权限 50
注册 2007-7-15
状态 离线
发表于 2010-5-5 23:55  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
下载好了 谢谢楼上兄台了

c1798   2010-5-6 00:18  音乐魅力  -50   求歌交易

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