Tuesday, May 25, 2010
与希腊文化部签订劳工合同的工人在帕特农神庙前抗议拖薪,雅典。摄影师:John Kolesidis
Contract workers for the Ministry of Culture protested Tuesday in Athens in front of the Parthenon against the government’s austerity measures, which include a hiring freeze.

Monday, May 24, 2010
一名女子走过一堵装饰着格鲁吉亚国旗的墙,这一天是格鲁吉亚独立纪念日。摄影师:David Mdzinarishvili
A woman walked past a wall decorated with Georgia’s national flags in Tbilisi, Georgia, Monday. The country’s Independence Day is Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
美国海军和海军陆战队员迎接硫黄岛号航空母舰驶入纽约港。 摄影师:Lucas Jackson
U.S. Navy and Marine Corps personnel stand at the rails of the USS Iwo Jima as the amphibious assault ship enters New York Harbor for Fleet Week on May 26.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
一名印度小孩在路边冲凉,阿拉哈巴德,印度。墙上写着“在恒河里洗去你的罪孽,而不是过错与污垢。”摄影师:Diptendu Dutta
An Indian child cooled off under a roadside tap Allahabad, India, on Thursday. The wall graffiti reads: “Wash your sins in the Ganges, not your fault or dirtiness.”

Monday, May 24, 2010
一名飓风幸存者在向政府呼吁活动中哭泣,这场灾难夺去了至少300人的生命,孟加拉。摄影师:Andrew Biraj
A survivor of Cyclone Aila cried during a demonstration Monday in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
工人们在修理地震中被毁坏的线缆,圣地亚哥,智利。此次地震中有超过700人丧生。摄影师:Ivan Alvarado
Workers repaired electricity pylons and wires damaged during an earthquake in February in a rural area near Santiago, Chile, Wednesday.