Jung Jaeil - Parasite (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released: 2019.10.11
中國大陸 寄生蟲
香港 上流寄生族
臺灣 寄生上流
史上首部韓國電影勇奪康城金棕櫚大獎﹗譽滿全球大導演奉俊昊繼《韓流怪嚇》後,與影帝宋康昊四度攜手,以瘋狂黑色幽默探討社會黑暗面。窮爸爸基澤(宋康昊 飾)一家四口全是無業遊民,他們終日望天打卦,直至長子基佑(崔宇植 飾)以偽造文憑,成功受聘為神秘富豪(李善均 飾)子女的補習老師,這潦倒的一家彷彿重獲生機,「共享」上流人的榮華富貴,但無止境的貧富差距最終令人性失控......
01. Opening (2:08)
02. Conciliation I (1:05)
03. On The Way to Rich House (0:56)
04. Conciliation II (1:11)
05. Plum Juice (0:56)
06. Mr. Yoon and Park (1:51)
07. Conciliation III (1:17)
08. The Belt of Faith (7:14)
09. Moon Gwang Left (0:56)
10. Camping (3:06)
11. The Hellgate (1:16)
12. Heartrending Story of Bubu (1:35)
13. Zappaguri (1:47)
14. Ghost (2:01)
15. The Family is Busy (1:10)
16. Busy to Survive (1:53)
17. The Frontal Lobe of Ki Taek (2:42)
18. Water, Ocean (4:42)
19. Water, Ocean Again (1:37)
20. It is Sunday Morning (4:04)
21. Blood and Sword (3:03)
22. Yasan (1:15)
23. Moving (1:45)
24. Ending (0:53)
25. Soju One Glass (3:20)
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FLAC/ 278mb
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