The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Music from the Netflix Film)
by Daniel Pemberton
Released: 2020.10.16
中國大陸 芝加哥七君子審判
香港 芝加哥七人案:驚世審判
臺灣 芝加哥七人案:驚世審判
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》(The Trial of the Chicago 7)本月16日在影視串流平台Netflix上架,爛番茄影評網站有接近八成好評;此片編劇及導演艾朗索堅(Aaron Sorkin)的前作,不管是劇集《白宮群英》、《新聞室風雲》,還是電影《社交網絡》,總針砭時弊,同時也喋喋不休,密集的對白並不容易消化,尤其《芝》片講述美國50年前轟動一時的串謀煽惑暴動案件。
01. Hear My Dream
02. We're Going to Chicago
03. The Trial
04. Conspiracy Office
05. My Life
06. Sequestering the Jury
07. Meet the Police
08. Take the Hill
09. Riot Aftermath
10. Don't Stand
11. Star Witness
12. Motion Denied
13. Blood on the Streets
14. Trial Day 151
15. Stand Up (The Chicago 7)
16. Hear My Voice
17. Take the Hill
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AAC/ 110mb
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