Joe Hisaishi - Soul Snatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Released: 2021.02.19
由《捉妖記》系列監製領軍,《與神同行》特效團隊打造,金像得主許誠毅幕後助陣,跨年度奇幻鉅獻《赤狐書生》陪你由2020精彩過渡至2021!清貧書生王子進(陳立農 飾)赴京考試,途中遇上下凡取丹的小狐妖白十三(李現 飾)。白刻意親近王,目的是騙取王的感情,令王甘願捨命,任白取其丹,白就能因此晉升狐仙。但沒想到取丹路上,一人一狐竟成了莫逆之交。在歷盡萬險後,白必須在友情與成仙之間作出終極抉擇⋯⋯
01. A Fox and a Scholar
02. The Moonlight Gathering
03. The Beginning of the Journey
04. Finding My Clamen
05. Donkey Running Away
06. Secret Talk
07. A Quiet Town
08. The Academy of Miserable Sea
09. Frog's Trap
10. The Frog Monster
11. Puppet Scholars
12. Battle with the Frog Monster
13. Mission Failed
14. Looking for Brother Daoran
15. Boat Ride
16. Temptation of Jiankang City
17. Yinglian
18. The Peony Brothel
19. Curse of the Evil Spirits
20. Proposal
21. Rousing of Thunderbolts
22. Starting the Imperial Examination
23. Lure of the Evil Spirits
24. The Bardo World
25. Promise
26. Truth
27. Death of Yinglian
28. Rupture of a Friendship
29. Providence
30. Last Wish
31. The Furious Showdown
32. For Zijin
33. A Real Immortal Fox
34. Xiao Bai and Zijin
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