a r t i s t : Bodurov Trio
t i t l e : Stamps From Bulgaria 2008
d a t e : 2008
l a b e l : Challenge Records
g e n r e : Jazz
r l s. d a t e : Jan/2009
t r a c k s : 09
b i t r a t e : VBRkbps
Stamps from Bulgaria is the result of a long-term
investigation into Bulgarian Folklore and its correlation with
other music traditions and instruments. For me, there were two
personal challenges in this project: as composer and as
My approach as composer was to avoid rearranging these songs,
but rather to treat them as any other compositional element
such as a major triad, a rhythmical phrase, intervals, etc.
Thus establishing a process of de- and re-construction, which
will eventually result in a new musical form, which is
sometimes closer to the original than others.
On selecting the songs, I searched carefully for any personal
and emotional connection and/or something unique (such as odd
time measure, lyrics, or just a melody), which also contained
enough dramatic potential, yet leaving room for exploration.
As a pianist I referred to the traditional singing and
instruments in an attempt to apply their specific
characteristics on the piano keyboard. I treated the piano as
a melodic rather than harmonic instrument, which is its most
common function.
All songs come from different regions of Bulgaria. Some are
more popular than others. It is of course arguable which songs
are actually Bulgarian, but this issue gives another dimension
to my research and poses the question of national identity - a
much discussed issue in a modern multi-cultural society.
Dimitar Bodurov: - piano | Mihail Ivanov: - bass | Jens
Dueppe: - drums & percussion
04-Ot men ti izin, younache
http://www.rayfile.com/files/f9a ... -ae5a-0014221b798a/