在专辑同名歌曲《Amarantine》中,Enya非常有创意的将慢版的华尔兹节奏作为歌曲的主线。另外,《If I Could Be Where You Are》,《Long Long Journey》和《Amid the Falling Snow》等多首旋律优美的歌曲都让我们感觉仿佛置身仙境......对于Enya,也许过多的语言只会打破她所营造的这种优美意境。
1. Less Than A Pearl
2. Amarantine
3. It's In The Rain
4. If I Could Be Where You Are
5. The River Sings
6. Long Long Journey
7. Sumiregusa
8. Somebody Said Goodbye
9. A Moment Lost
10. Drifting
11. Amid The Falling Snow
12. Water Shows The Hidden Heart